Throughout the holidays, it is so important to remember to be grateful. Summit Children’s Center knows how crazy this time of year can get, so here are tips on teaching gratitude to your little ones! Gratitude is a lifestyle and a mindset. It’s much more than simple good manners. It’s healthy to practice gratitude and it benefits both adults and kids. Some say that gratitude is the road to happiness. Keep reading for the best ways of teaching gratitude to your kids.
Teaching Gratitude – 10 Simple Tips
1) Name Blessings
Consistency is key when teaching gratitude. Create a daily routine where everyone says what they are grateful for. Whether it’s a favorite toy or a birthday card from their grandmother, the kids should learn to say thank you for these things. If you have older kids, you can ask them to keep a journal of the things they are grateful for. With time, your kids will start appreciating everything around them, generating positivity in their environment.
2) Lead by Example
With teaching gratitude, Summit Children’s Center recommends to lead by example. For instance, teach them that you are grateful to have them in your life. Yes, you love your kids, but you need to show them every day. Tell them that you are grateful for their hugs, their smiles, and their gifts. It’s a great way to boost their self-esteem and they will learn how to appreciate everyone around them.
3) Don’t Shower Them with Too Many Things
As much as you want to give your children the world, moderation is best. Of course, it doesn’t mean that you should refuse them the things they need the most. However, giving them everything they want could work against you. That’s because it will dilute the aspect of being grateful for what they have. Note that, if you buy them everything they want, they will end up taking things for granted and will not appreciate it all. Rather than being grateful, they will set their sights on newer and shinier toys. If you do it in moderation, they can appreciate what they have now.

4) Say Thank You Often
Remember, your kids are following your footsteps. Therefore, if you want them to be grateful for anything, you need to do it yourself. When your kids see you saying thank you it sets a great example for them. There are many opportunities for you to say thank you in front of your kids and while also teaching gratitude.
For instance, at a restaurant, you can say thank you to the waiter or waitress for their good service. You can also say thank you to the cashier for ringing out your bill at the local grocery store. If you say more words of gratitude to the people around you, your kids will do the same.
5) Thank You Notes
Most people don’t value handwritten thank you notes anymore, but here at Summit Children’s Center, we believe it is such a great way for teaching gratitude. If you are looking for a way to teach your kids how to express gratitude, this will come in handy. It will make someone’s day when they receive a thank you note from a child. Yes, your kids can send thank you notes when they receive gifts, but you can also urge them to thank their daycare teachers or school teachers as well as their relatives, friends, and parents. It’s an amazing way to instill gratitude for everyone who has been in their lives.
6) Pitching In
Teaching gratitude may mean letting them pitch in for it items that they want. If they have an allowance, you should let them help in buying whatever they want. When they take the time to save for their money, they will understand the value of it. Therefore, if they must take out the money to buy something, they will be grateful for it. Also, you can use this principle to teach your kids restraint as well as the value of money. It will encourage them to appreciate what they have and give them a realistic perspective on what other people do for them.

7) Link Gratitude to A Higher Power
Depending on your religion, gratitude is often emphasized by acknowledging your blessings and serving other people. You can instill gratitude into your kids by attending regular religious services. Even if you don’t follow formal religions, you can ask your kids to say a little prayer at the right times. Gratitude and spirituality often go hand in hand. Appreciating religion is a great way of teaching gratitude.
8) Giving Back
If you want your kids to be grateful, teach them to give back to others. There is a good reason why giving is much better than receiving. It feels great to help someone. Depending on their ages, you can ask kids to do chores for the elderly in your neighborhood or volunteer at the local nursing home. Even better, they will appreciate it if the whole family is involved. When your kids learn how to help others, they are less likely to take things for granted.

9) Politeness and Respect
Being polite and respectful to others in front of your children will teach your kids to follow suit. If you teach your children how to treat other people respectfully and with dignity, they will appreciate how they can improve the lives of people and to improve their lives. Also, they will learn not to take any assistance and kindness for granted.
As a parent, it’s important to teach your kids how to treat people with respect. Teach them that everyone deserves to be treated kindly and with respect. Children need to know that everyone is important and should be treated with the same respect. With teaching respect comes teaching gratitude.
10) Always Look for Teachable Moments when Teaching Gratitude
As parents, we are always trying to teach gratitude to your kids by focusing on behavior, but you should always be on the lookout for teachable moments where they can put it in practice. Seize these moments and use them as a powerful way to teach your kids how to be grateful for what they have and for the people around them. If they see it happening in real life, the concept will stick.
Gift-giving and gift-receiving is oftentimes part of the holidays. Use our teaching gratitude tips this season and then year round, so your littles ones can grow to be the best people! If you have any questions, contact us today. Check out our website for more information on our programs!